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LAGVesterhedevej 33, DK-7250 Hejnsvig
Call +45 2023 5692

Surrounding nature

We are so lucky to live on a property with an incredibly beautiful nature, which we enjoy living right in the middle of every day.

We have, for example, five small lakes (marl pits), very old trees, a rippling brook through it all and an old plantation, which today mainly consists of very large maples.

In 2006 we chose to make a nature plan for the property, and this meant that we subsequently planted several small habitats, established insect corridors and soil strips, and in recent years we have chosen to sow flower mixtures in our fields for the benefit of the fauna.

In recent years, we have set up a number of nesting boxes for small birds as well as owls and kestrels.

In order for you, as our guests, and ourselves to enjoy the initiatives, we have established paths around the property, so it is now possible to walk through the biotopes, over the stream, through the old plantation and around the poplar grove. 

There is a high probability that you will see either a hare, a deer, the pheasant or some of the many beautiful birds, which especially appreciate the berry bushes. You may also be lucky enough to see the heron standing by the brook or one of the small lakes.

We keep the paths mowed, but on several of our other grassy areas we have chosen to leave the grass uncut for the benefit of the insects.

Along the paths you will find signs informing about the nature at our property. 

At national level, we are registered under the Agriculture and Food Council as a "Bee-friendly property", which means that we have made various initiatives that cater to the bees. This can be, for example, making sure to plant white-flowering native trees and shrubs in the small habitats, leaving the cut branches and twigs in the small habitats after pruning and leaving obsolete trees standing as well as preserving the large old trees. It also makes it seem a bit messy in some places when you walk around here on the property, but as you can see, it is for the benefit of nature.

Billund Municipality has launched a project called "Wild Enterprise" for the benefit of nature, and here we have chosen to participate. One of our initiatives is to sow flower mixtures that cater for insects, bees and small game.

We have the best guests. See what they think of us.

Weifang, DK

01 August 2021

Et perfekt ophold for en familie. Det er mere end perfekt, især til familieophold. Vi elsker køkkenet, legepladsen og det hele. Værterne er meget søde, og de sørger supergodt for hver eneste detalje. Dette sted er det bedste hotel, vi nogensinde har boet på.

Kazemi, Tyskland

18 July 2021

Vi har boet her to nætter. Det var meget behageligt, og desværre havde vi kun et kort ophold. Alt var præcist som beskrevet. Lis er supervenlig og forsøgte at give os en masse tips til vores korte ophold. Vores børn havde det så sjovt på legepladsen. Det er et fantastisk familievenligt sted. Vi vil helt sikkert komme tilbage igen snart.

Bartosz, Polen

24 August 2021

Et genialt sted for et familieophold og ture til Legoland eller Givskud ZOO. Meget rent, gode værelser, veludstyret køkken, fantastisk legeplads for børn, stilhed, natur. Efter et to-dages ophold med 3 børn, har vi ingen klager, og vi kommer gerne tilbage hertil. Tak til værtinden.

D. Olsen, DK

22 July 2021

Mega mega fantastisk sted – verdens bedste sted, vi nogensinde har været på. Vi sov i telt hos jer. Man føler sig virkelig hjemme. Jeg blev ked af det inde i mig selv, da vi tog afsted. Så lækker en legeplads. Kan intet sige, om noget der var dårligt. Vi kommer 100% igen.

    LOasen Vesterhede
    @ Lis og Henning Kristensen
    Vesterhedevej 33
    DK-7250 Hejnsvig
    CVR-nr. 11472273
    Call +45 2023 5692
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